Organizational Development and Assessment: Our work involves the CEO and senior team of managers in a phased, intentional organizational development process. Each phase is conceived in the context of current needs and conditions and oriented toward particular organizational objectives. At the end of each phase the work is analyzed and the next phase is designed based on the findings from the previous phase. Through this emergent design, the leadership team develops a network of strategic partnerships based on task and role clarity. 



Fundraising Counsel:  Philanthropy has the power to transform institutions, enhancing their mission and providing the resources for innovation.  But we believe fundraising can also be a unique catalyst for institutional identity and strategic planning.  Campaigns galvanize and build community, on and off campus.  Planned and executed properly, campaigns challenge alumni and friends to play an active role, not only supporting, but also helping to shape the institution’s future.  In this respect, fundraising may be seen as integral to nearly all of the institution’s goals and objectives.  Governing boards, employees, alumni and friends expect the chief executive to be the institution’s chief fundraiser.  Clarity about best practices and developing the right working relationship with development staff and volunteers is crucial to the CEO’s success.


Board DevelopmentThe difference between the work of a board of directors or trustees and the work of staff is often confusing. Thus the necessary collaboration between them is difficult. What makes this partnership work is when both groups understand their respective tasks. When boards are able to take up their high level task of leadership on fiscal and policy matters, the organization’s staff is able to lead and manage the work. This requires a fine-tuned working alliance between the board chair and the CEO that allows them to develop a concerted leadership strategy for both groups, while allowing each the necessary autonomy to lead.


Strategic CommunicationsInternal and external communications are critical to an institution’s identity and success.   Communications planning provides a platform for consistent and effective messaging, serving institutional strategies and built on clear goals and objectives, reliable data and feedback loops.  It is vital in the context of campaigns, leadership transitions, and crisis management.  


Retreat Design and Facilitation:  Retreats give governing boards and managers the opportunity to step outside of business routines and take a longer view of the organization -- where it is now and where it is heading -- and to reflect on their respective leadership roles.  Retreats can serve a wide range of objectives. Among them: 

    clarify and affirm shared mission, vision and values

    ensure alignment of goals and objectives across the organization

    celebrate successes, analyze obstacles

    formulate new strategic directions and priorities

    build team-work and assess the work environment

    analyze and assess the competitive landscape